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For The
Earth's Biggest Threat:
Animal Agriculture
It is a fact that we are destroying the planet at an epidemic rate. Animal agriculture is the leading cause of water usage, oceanic dead zones, land clearing, species extinction, suffering and death.
Each day, a person who eats a plant-based diet saves:
• 1,100 gallons of water
• 45 pounds of grain
• 30 square feet of forested land
• 20 pounds of CO2 equivalent
• 1 animal’s life
- The Single Best Thing you can do for the Environment is Become a Vegan.
Going Vegan Cuts Your Carbon Footprint in Half
Animal agriculture produces more greenhouse gas emissions than all the cars, trains, planes, and other forms of transportation around the world combined. Factory farming is responsible for 65 percent of all human-related emissions of nitrous oxide - a greenhouse gas with 296 times the global warming potential of carbon dioxide, which can stay in the atmosphere for 200 years. Studies show going vegan cuts your carbon footprint in half.
Animal Agriculture Uses Trillions of Gallons of Water Annually
Animal agriculture is responsible for two-thirds of all fresh water consumption in the world today. One pound of beef requires 1,799 gallons of water to produce, a dozen eggs 636 gallons, and a gallon of cow’s milk a staggering 880 gallons. In an increasingly drought-stricken, warming world, this is a total waste. You would need to not shower for 2 months to save the same amount of water as not eating 1 beef hamburger.
Meat Consumption is Destroying the Earth's Rainforests
Animal agriculture is responsible for 91% of the deforestation of the worlds rainforests.
​Up to 137 plant, animal, and insect species are lost everyday due to rainforest destruction.
The leading cause of rainforest destruction is to grow grain and corn, to feed to cows. Rainforests once covered 14% of the earth's land surface. Now they cover a mere 6% and experts estimate that the last remaining rainforests could be consumed in less than 40 years. One and one-half acres of rainforest are lost every second. Go vegan to save the rainforest.
Animal Agriculture is Destroying the Land
1/3 of the land in the world is used for animal agriculture. 70% of the grains grown in the US go to feed livestock. Without meat and dairy consumption, global farmland use could be reduced by nearly 75%. An area equivalent to the size of the U.S., China, and the European Union and Australia combined. Save the land. Go Vegan. ​
End World Hunger
805 million people suffer from chronic hunger every year and it is growing. Instead of using our resources in the most energy-efficient way possible by growing plants to feed directly to people, we currently use our dwindling land and water supply to grow grain to then feed to animals who we then eat, giving us a considerably less bang for our resource “buck.” By some estimates, we could feed 1.4 billion additional people simply by giving up beef, pork, and poultry in the United States. Think of what we could do if the entire world gave up all animal products! Go vegan to end world hunger!
The Oceans are on the Verge of Collapse
The oceans are being overfished and are on the verge of collapse. Researchers are predicting that all fisheries will have completely collapsed by the year 2048 due to loss of bio-diversity, caused by overfishing and the many other human threats facing ocean wildlife and ecosystems. Pollution, climate change, ocean acidification, and the loss of vital habitats are all contributing factors. In just 55 years, humans have managed to wipe out 90 percent of the ocean’s top predators like whales, sharks, bluefin tuna, swordfish, marlin, and king mackerel. Bycatch from ocean fishing takes up 40% of all fish caught. These can be fish, but also include other animals such as dolphins, whales, sharks, seals, and turtles. These are usually disregarded, making that 40% loss, a complete waste and a terrible act of murder. Without a perfect balance of the animal food chain, the oceans bio-diverse ecosystem will collapse. Without the ocean, we have no earth. The biggest thing you can do today to save the ocean is to GO VEGAN!
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